El Aire Tiene Peso: We talk about the air with Javier Cruz

Su investigación plantea un acercamiento a la idea del aire como sujeto político cuestionando el modo en el que su representación, estetizada y romantizada, ha contaminado el imaginario colectivo. Los atardeceres digitales que nos han acompañado cada ocaso desde el 23 de abril, culminan el 25 de mayo con esta mesa redonda para reflexionar en común y hablar del aire con una nueva perspectiva. Al mismo tiempo, este ocaso abre paso a una nueva etapa de encuentros con artistas, científicas/os y pensadores/as que de un modo u otro se han acercado a la idea del aire como un recurso común y un medio

Empurrando Juntos

This project addresses the challenge of collective deliberation with the construction of a webapp based on free software, to facilitate discussion processes. The webapp will be based on the source of one of the best considered collective deliberation applications, Pol.is. The project expands the...

ephemeral angels

This proposal aims to project interactive images onto a dust cloud. ... mimicking birds, humans become angels ... abstract When a visitor enters the area covered by a kinect sensor, the wings follow the movement of his arms in real time. His own winged image is projected in the dust cloud. The sound...

ESNOG Meetings (Spanish Network Operator Group)

The purposes of ESNOG meetings include:

  • Provide the means of communication within the Spanish state to promote education and the exchange of knowledge within the technical community and Internet operations.
  • Provide channels for group members to ask questions and discuss issues related to the Internet and public data networks.
  • Promote good Internet practices among the members of the group and also before other public or private entities, both national and international.

ESNOG carries out activities through an email list (gore [at] esnog.net) and regular meetings (bi-annual). Both are

Euopean Green Week official closing event (#EuGreenWeek)

NOTICE: the venue has limited capacity. Registration is open until May 24th. It is necessary to register and be accredited at the entrance of the auditorium showing ID or equivalent.

The European Green Week is an annual conference on environmental policies where citizens, representatives of governments, industries, non-governmental organizations, academia and the media come together for an exchange of ideas and good practices in the field environmentalist.
The Medialab-Prado culture center is the venue for the official closing on May 25th. It is an act open to the public that will be

Experimental Lutheria workshop.

The "Experimental Lutheria. Collective construction of a hybrid string and electromagnetism instrument" by artist Jonathan García Lana a.k.a. Tunipanea. It is a previous part of the AVLab, IN-SONORA XII meeting that will be presented in the afternoon.

Extending Consul’s Participatory Budgeting Functionality

Participatory budgeting (PB) is one of the most popular types of participatory democracy practices in the United States. It’s utilized in dozens of cities in the US and hundreds in the English-speaking world. As such, PB can serve as a foothold for participatory democracy in the US that can be...