AGENCY_VR. Research Group on Virtual Reality Narratives

AGENCIA_RV  [AGENCY_VR] is a Medialab Prado Working Group whose purpose will be to investigate Narrative Virtual Reality, known as CVR, Cinematic Virtual Reality. Its aim is to study the contents and forms of virtual reality but focusing on its narrative possibilities in the field of fiction. What we want is to create a group of researchers and creators who review the current state of the narrative associated with virtual reality and are capable of proposing and creating an experience of this type.

We start from the idea that virtual reality is a new cinematographic technology, an advance

CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN THE 2030 AGENDA AND THE SDGs: new narratives for local and global transformation.

The objective of the meeting is to promote a space for reflection, dialogue and collaboration in the context of citizen laboratories and thus be able to discover citizen participation strategies for the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda in Medialab. As part of the research "Citizen Narratives on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals" developed in Medialab, we invite all groups, entities, organizations and citizens interested in building new collective imaginaries about social transformation in favor of a good common.

What are we going to do?
* We will work on the concept of the

Creating Free Knowledge within the Wikisphere [edit]

Work group on collective documentation through Semantic MediaWiki to make this powerful tool accessible to anyone interested in documenting events. One of the maing goals is to get used to the wiki environment and enhance individual participation in collective history, OUR history.  Coordinated by Patricia Horrillo, from project (as part of the Commons Lab) and  Este espacio de trabajo y aprendizaje está abierto a cualquier persona que quiera participar y se desarrollará todos los martes de 19:00h - 21:00h a partir del 3 de febrero de 2015. No es necesaria inscripción previa para asistir a estas sesiones Para resolver dudas podéis contactar en periodismociudadano[arroba] y ver más información en


Through the use of web technologies and the reappropriation of tools from free software communities, docArt helps to make visible the processes of collective creation and construction of prototypes linked to them. This "laboratory notebook" is made up of two inseparable parts: the free recipes and...

Editatona #SeAcabó #16D [ONLINE]

An editathon is an activity in which several people come together to create new content on Wikipedia, with the goal of reducing the gender gap in the free encyclopedia.
> Thematic

On this occasion, taking advantage of such an important slogan as #SeAcabó, which symbolizes the collective repulsion against the aggression suffered by the soccer player Jenni Hermoso, from Wikiesfera and in coordination with Medialab Matadero we propose you to participate in an editatona to publish articles by sports journalists as well as biographies of women athletes in Wikipedia.

We will count with the

Editing together to visibilize ourselves in Wikipedia #7M

An editathon or editing marathon is an activity in which several people get together with the objective of creating new content in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Our proposal for the eve of the International Womens' Day tries to make visible the abscence of content related to women and share the necessity of changing that reality. For that purpose, we think it might be a good idea developing new articles , although the central point of the meeting is the process of collaborative creation. Free workshop after signing up on this form. Number of vacancies: 50. For any additional information, please write to: periodismociudadano[arroba]

Ideatón x the SDGs

This workshop organized by Medialab Prado and Cybervolunteers proposes build a space for dialogue, collaborative work and creation of proposals between citizens and social agents in the recognition and resolution of those global challenges that affect our daily lives. This call is part of the research project that takes place in Medialab called Citizen Narratives of the 2030 Agenda and the Objectives of Sustainable Development, where it is intended to promote processes for citizen empowerment on proposals and initiatives that transform our local reality and contribute to a good common globally


Para este primer Encuentro AVLab de 2020 el grupo de trabajo de Agencia_RV de Medialab Prado, nos proponen dar a conocer las creaciones narrativas en VR de varios de los artistas más reconocidos en este campo este último año, acercando su obra al público de Madrid.

Con una presencia creciente en los Festivales de Cine más importantes del Mundo (Venecia, Sundance, Tribeca, Raindance), la Realidad Virtual Narrativa es considerada un desarrollo y una oportunidad para el cine actual, un medio propio en el que confluye con los videojuegos, el teatro y la narración oral.

Para entender como se