Ideatón x the SDGs

Desde las 09:00 hasta 19:00 el 07/11/2019
Ideatón x the SDGs

A hackathon of ideas and processes, which involves civil society in the search and realization of creative solutions to social needs concrete, through participatory dynamics and the platform. All of this linked to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda.

This workshop organized by Medialab Prado and Cybervolunteers proposes build a space for dialogue, collaborative work and creation of proposals between citizens and social agents in the recognition and resolution of those global challenges that affect our daily lives. This call is part of the research project that takes place in Medialab called Citizen Narratives of the 2030 Agenda and the Objectives of Sustainable Development, where it is intended to promote processes for citizen empowerment on proposals and initiatives that transform our local reality and contribute to a good common globally.

Organizador Actividad:
Medialab Prado y Cibervoluntarios

Sessions of the activity

09:00 - 19:00
The activity is over
Tipo de actividad:
Encuentro comunidad
#accion colectiva #aprendizaje colaborativo #ciudadanía
Rango de edad:
14 -80