Residency IN-SONORA 10.

As Gabi Schaffner said: “Every gardener knows: Any garden belongs as much to the sphere of imagination as it belongs to reality. As a sound art–based field for ideas, mapping and communication the “radio garden” of Datscha Radio will sprout a new offshoot at the Medialab Prado and invites all interested parties to join for a series of radio shows about the garden and gardening in its widest sense.

Datscha Radio is a mobile, site-responsive transmission project in collaboration with local and digital networks of sound (and radio) artists, gardeners, scientists and DIY people. Datscha Radio

Rise your hand: Participation methodology for children and adolescents

Rise your hand is a methodology for citizen participation for children and adolescents between 10 and 17 years old that promotoes active inclusion through dialogue and cooperation. The main aim of the project is to growth in children and adolescents the positive worth and internalisation of the...

SatNOGS: Building an Open Source Satellite Ground Station

This 3-day workshop will be held by two members of Libre Space Foundation, who will introduce us to their project and the different technologies they are developing. Together we will build a DIY Satellite Ground Station to be connected to the SatNOGS Network, which consists on a global open source network to get free access to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites.

School, childhood and city in uncertain settings

El impacto generado por el coronavirus nos ha situado en un escenario nuevo, lleno de incertidumbres. Los colegios permanecen cerrados, mientras que las desigualdades se ahondan y las colas de la emergencia se alargan. Las preguntas sobre qué nos ha traído hasta aquí y de qué manera saldremos se multiplican. Mientras unos reclaman libertad para retomar la actividad y la vida tal y como la conocíamos, otras señalan la relación de esta pandemia con el cambio climático y la urgencia de revisar los modos en que producimos, consumimos, nos relacionamos y nos cuidamos.

El programa Experimenta

SDG LAB. Working Group and Research on 2030 Agenda and SDG.

We seek to create a space where, we can identify the needs of our city and promote dialogues through which initiatives can arise to meet those demands. At the same time, we will work on the dissemination of this type of international frameworks that promote a series of principles on which the policies of cities can be based.The 2030 agenda and SDG are our framework.

This working group will have participation as a basic principle, for this reason it will have an open and democratic character, we want to hear different voices, to start from a common framework and from there to deconstruct

See our faces

«Neighbors of the Barrio de Las Letras, users and friends of Medialab Prado, people from Madrid: we want to see each other's faces again, meet to share some time together, give thanks, and say what we think and feel we can do to improve the city ​​where we live. To do this, we summon you, analogically and digitally, around the digital façade of Medialab Prado next Saturday, June 18 at sunset ».

"What we propose is to participate in an activity that will screen, from June 18 to 30, images of the faces and text messages of all the people who have something to share."

"What do we need? Selfies

Smile, you are on camera

This interactive video-installation Works on how we experiment and perceive the smile. Lien-Chen Wang searches the word “smile” on Google in order to collect facial expressions captured in all kind of moments. The outcome is a bunch of virtual images that have undergone an alienation process. The software used detects the spectator’s position through a camera so that everyone has to deal with a foreign smile in an impersonal and anonymous representation.  

This installation enables us to think about the mental process involved in an emotional response such as smiling. Behind these smiles

Souveniring Almost Anything

Photogrammetry, or Structure-from-Motion, is a method of reconstructing the 3D model of an arbitrary object from a series of photographs using a digital camera. This technique can trace, record and represent geometries, textures, and sites both efficiently and relatively inexpensively. In this workshop, participants will learn how to systematically photograph things and the steps of processing digital images into a 3D model with Agisoft's MetaShape and Meshlab.

The workshop is structured in one practical session at Medialab Prado. In the first part of the session, the artist will explain

Summer Solstice. San Juan LEDista

The Digital Façade of Medialab is like a game boy, but giant. You can program your projects in javascript with P5.js or Three.js using: 

Or you can make them with your favorite software by following the documentation that is here:… 

Prepara tus visuales de San Juan para la fachada de Medialab-prado

18.00-22.00 Preparación de proyectos. 

  • Expertos y novatos pueden traer de casa sus proyectos o trabajarlos durante