Indicators to measure democratic quality of processes

From different areas, work is being done to generate indicators to measure the quality of participatory processes. In some cases they tend to be mostly quantitative, especially in digital tools; where data extraction is easier. Now, processes tend more and more to hybridization. Not only because...

INFRAESTRUCTOURS by Mario Santamaria: Energy

Cities are crisscrossed by a multitude of flows that constantly reorder their material reality. They are organisms whose in/stability depends on a tangle of systems that guarantee certain levels of mobility, food, energy and care. Power plants, distribution lines, sewers, protocols, regulations, antennas, landfills, sensors and purifiers organize the city in a veiled way. This activity proposes a series of guided tours designed to traverse the infrastructural landscape of the city of Madrid.

The aim of the sessions is to explore the ways in which these flows function and how they relate to

INFRAESTRUCTOURS by Mario Santamaria: Waste

Cities are crisscrossed by a multitude of flows that constantly reorder their material reality. They are organisms whose in/stability depends on a tangle of systems that guarantee certain levels of mobility, food, energy and care. Power plants, distribution lines, sewers, protocols, regulations, antennas, landfills, sensors and purifiers organize the city in a veiled way. This activity proposes a series of guided tours designed to traverse the infrastructural landscape of the city of Madrid.

The aim of the sessions is to explore the ways in which these flows function and how they relate to

Señal que muestra que este artículo es para inspirarse.

Inspirating projects for Interactivos?'19

Any project that is considered appropriate can be presented given the subject of the call. The selection criteria will be:

1. Degree of adjustment of the project to the call.
2. Innovation and relevance.
3. Quality of the project.

Interactive Workshop 'El Paraíso de la Deuda' (Debt Paradise)

El Paraíso de la Deuda (Debt Paradise) is both a workshop and a videogame, which we will play collectively and interactively so that anyone, from children to the "big ones", can understand the complex terms used in economic jargon, such as 'sovereign debt', 'bank loan' and 'labor reform', among many others.

To do this, we will put ourselves in the shoes of a cat king who will have to watch over the happiness of his people, having to face the expenses that this entails, while trying to control the debt. If we do things right our dear citizens will be happy, but as we screw up the coffers of

Taller Interactivos?'18

Interactivos?'18. Inhabiting RRRRubish - Selected projects

We present you the eight selected projects for the workshop Interactivos?'18. Inhabiting RRRRubish that are rehearsing or want to try new ways of seeing and approaching, in a creative and radical way, the exuberant mass of filth that envelops and intoxicates the planet and all its inhabitants.

International meeting strands of living peace

The objective of the meeting is to convene and prepare a much larger meeting at the end of 2020 / early 2021 in which to officially establish an international network of interrelated centers that autonomously develop the HPV project (HPV Network)


This project researches and prototypes new design languages and interaction patterns that harness the collective intelligence of communities participating in virtual worlds. The specific initiative will create a set of Unreal Engine tools to facilitate new experimental forms of real-time...

Knowledge in the Internet age

David Weinberger (New York, 1950), technologist, speaker, researcher and American professor, is one of the greatest references of thought linked to the Internet. In 1999, his life changed after the publication of the Cluetrain Manifesto, an explosive text that anticipated some of the radical ruptures that the network era would bring to the planet. Almost two decades after that manifesto, David Weinberger works at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

In his conference Knowledge in the Internet age, which will take place in the Medialab Prado Auditorium on


Krystallos emerges from a research about the nineteenth century´s scientific imaginary that is approached from a contemporary and experimental artistic point of view. This work focuses on the studies carried out by authors such as Friedrich Reitnitzer, Otto Lehmann or Walter Hirt related to certain...