Interactive Workshop 'El Paraíso de la Deuda' (Debt Paradise)

Desde las 12:00 hasta 14:00 el 23/11/2019
Interactive Workshop 'El Paraíso de la Deuda'

El Paraíso de la Deuda (Debt Paradise) is both a workshop and a videogame, which we will play collectively and interactively so that anyone, from children to the "big ones", can understand the complex terms used in economic jargon, such as 'sovereign debt', 'bank loan' and 'labor reform', among many others.

To do this, we will put ourselves in the shoes of a cat king who will have to watch over the happiness of his people, having to face the expenses that this entails, while trying to control the debt. If we do things right our dear citizens will be happy, but as we screw up the coffers of the State will be empty and there will be no other than to ask for help from some kind banker. Then the debt will skyrocket and what will happen if we do not control it? Unhappiness, an uncontrollable spiral of debt, the need to undertake layoffs among civil servants, privatization of public services, cuts in workers' rights... In short, a disaster. Are you up for the challenge?

In the second part of the workshop, a role-play will be organized in which we will stage a social conflict and the difficulties that will have to be dealt with in order to achieve the coveted transparency in public affairs that we will reveal to you in due course.

It is not necessary that you bring anything, all the necessary materials will be provided.

This workshop is organised within the framework of the project Pincha Tu Deuda, co-financed by the European Union through the European project Citizens for Financial Justice. With the collaboration of Medialab Prado, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the collaborative network Museo Situado (Museo Reina Sofía). Coordinated by the Plataforma Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda, Grigri Projects and Massa Critica Napoli.

Sessions of the activity

12:00 - 14:00
The activity is over
Tipo de actividad:
Debate/mesa redonda Festival Taller familiar/infantil/juvenil
#aprendizaje #calidad democrática #economía
Rango de edad: