ReforMad - Los urbanitas podemos mejorar Madrid

ReforMad - Los urbanitas podemos mejorar Madrid


  • 1 - Summary (Spanish) / Descripción en castellano
  • 2 - Summary (English)
  • 3 - Project log (English) / Diario de desarrollo



1. Descripción en castellano / Spanish Summary


1.1. Descripción:

Este proyecto aspira a crear una herramienta abierta de geolocalización y seguimiento de incidencias “crowdsourced” en la ciudad de Madrid.

Para ello se utilizarán las fuentes de datos abiertas de la ciudad para enriquecer la información de las incidencias como por ejemplo detectar el barrio al que pertenece la incidencia para facilitar redirigir las mismas al responsable de solucionarlas

(Este proyecto aparecía como MejorUA y estaba orientado a la Universidad de Alicante pero se ha reformulado con inspiracion orientado a Madrid como sugerencia de la organización para resultar mas interesante a la audiencia de Visualizar15)


1.2. Perfil de los colaboradores

  • Desarrolladores software: Pueden ayudar con el desarrollo del cliente/servidor

  • Artistas/Diseñadores graficos: Pueden ayudar guiando la interfaz gráfica o cualquier otro material externo a la aplicacion que motive a participar a los ciudadanos

  • Sociólogos/Psicólogos: Pueden ayudar a encontrar mecanismos de para motivar a participar del servicio y crear una experiencia recompensante

  • Educadores: Pueden ayudar a encontrar maneras de enseñar y divulgar la actitud colaborativa desde la aplicación o material externo asociado a la misma.

  • Periodistas: Pueden ayudar exponiendo las necesidades que tienen para extraer información del servicio, que analizarse para realizar un artículo


1.3. Perfil del promotor del proyecto

Me llamo Samuel Ortiz Reina y soy un reciente graduado en Ingeniería Informática con especialización en ingeniería software por la Universidad de Alicante.

Me interesa mucho el desarrollo web/móvil, el Open Source y el Open Data.


1.4. Detalles técnicos del proyecto

Listo las tecnologías usadas en el proyecto a modificar/reutilizar ( para aquellos desarrolladores interesados

  • Cliente

    • Framework - Angular

    • Framework - Restangular

    • GUI - Bootstrap

    • GUI - LESS

    • Map - Leaflet

    • Utils - Bower

    • Utils - Grunt

    • Utils - Yeoman

  • Server

    • API - Java Jersey REST API

    • ORM - JPA 2.1 Datanucleus implementation

    • Pattern - DAO



2. English summary


2.1. Summary:

This project aims to develop an “open geolocated crowdsourced issue tracker” for the city of Madrid.

Making the most of the city Open Data sources to enrich issues as for example detecting issue’s neighbour to ease redirecting the issue to the people in charge of solving it.

(This project appeared as MejorUA and was oriented to University of Alicante but has been rewrited as a in the context of Madrid, as a suggestion from the organization to get more atraction to the Visualizar15 audience)


2.2. Profile of collaborators

  • Software developers: Could help in client/server development

  • Artists/graphic designers: Could help with guidance in the client application GUI, or any other offline assets like “call to action” material to engage citizens to collaborate

  • Sociologists/Psychologists: Could help giving insights in how to engage users to collaborate, and how to make the use of the application rewarding

  • Educators: Could help giving insights in how to teach and divulge a collaborative attitude within the application or in any other offline assets

  • Journalists: Could help giving insights in what they need from the service so the could extract information and analyse it for an article


2.3. Project promoter profile

My name is Samuel Ortiz Reina and recently I completed my Undergraduate Bachelor Degree in Computer Science with specialization in software engineering at University of Alicante

I’m really interested in web/mobile development, Open Source and Open Data.


2.4. Project technical details

Here is a list of the used technologies in the project to modify/reuse ( for developers

  • Client

    • Framework - Angular

    • Framework - Restangular

    • GUI - Bootstrap

    • GUI - LESS

    • Map - Leaflet

    • Utils - Bower

    • Utils - Grunt

    • Utils - Yeoman

  • Server

    • API - Java Jersey REST API

    • ORM - JPA 2.1 Datanucleus implementation

    • Pattern - DAO



3. Project Log / Diario de desarrollo


  • 2015/05/07 - Thursday - 9 days left to submit

Team formed.

Refined original idea to focus on council waste disposal services, interoperating with deployed solutions 010, @LineaMadrid, app:AvisosMadrid

Evaluation of target audience and need for the service proposed.

  • 2015/05/08 - Friday - 8 days left to submit

Included mentors feedback in the project to simplify the project scope according to the given timeframe.

The app flow will be geolocating on open, and allow to send notificatión about the need to clean up a single waste basket close to the citizen and then inform to @LineaMadrid to take care of the problem.

For this concrete scenario user experience is improved, and the @LineaMadrid workflow is eased because we provide automatically some information they need to bill the issue to the system.

We did some research about sources of information for the location of waste baskets in Madrid and found nothing on the official Open Data portal, and very little city coverage in Open Street Maps

Also the template code for the application client is reachable throught:

  • 2015/05/09 - Saturday - 7 days left to submit

Done research about twitter integration.

First prototype of the application online:

This prototype geolocates the user, shows a map zoomed in the user location, and puts a marker on it.

  • 2015/05/10 - Sunday - 6 days left to submit

Documentation and communication tasks

13 colaboradores
0 comentarios





Estado del proyecto
Valoración conjunta
