Educate in positive

Talk-Introduction in Positive Discipline. Aimed at families and educators who want to build a positive relationship based on mutual respect with our daughters. We will talk about how we understand education, our expectations, the challenges that day to day presents, what is working and what is not and what alternatives we have to educate from connection, trust, affection and mutual respect.

What are we going to talk about?:
     1. Welcome and presentation.
     2. Why educate in another way?
     3. Mutual respect.
     4. The belief behind the behavior.
     5. Brain functioning.

Global Game Jam 2020

The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the largest face-to-face game jam in the world. It is a kind of hackathon focused on game development.

Global Game Jam 2021

A Game Jam is an intense and exciting encounter between video game creators. The participants of a Game Jam get together in small teams and work to develop a complete video game in a very short period of time. The objectives of this meeting are to have fun and create experimental games that are original and innovative. The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is a one-of-a-kind event - no less than a Game Jam held simultaneously across the world for the same 48 hours!

[+ info]


This project researches and prototypes new design languages and interaction patterns that harness the collective intelligence of communities participating in virtual worlds. The specific initiative will create a set of Unreal Engine tools to facilitate new experimental forms of real-time...

Summer Solstice. San Juan LEDista

The Digital Façade of Medialab is like a game boy, but giant. You can program your projects in javascript with P5.js or Three.js using: 

Or you can make them with your favorite software by following the documentation that is here:… 

Prepara tus visuales de San Juan para la fachada de Medialab-prado

18.00-22.00 Preparación de proyectos. 

  • Expertos y novatos pueden traer de casa sus proyectos o trabajarlos durante

What's happening on the facade. January- febrary 2020

#ProgramaLaPlaza is a tool to create creative code projects and periodically display them on the giant LED facade of Medialab-Prado.

In this latest edition, we invite schools to participate to motivate the learning of programming and code by students. Through a software hosted on a website, they created the games and pieces of digital art that you can see in this video.

Zenvoid Studio - Programming video games

Una iniciativa para desarrollo de videojuegos y aplicaciones de ocio interactivo mediante experimentación y autoaprendizaje. Utilizamos Godot Engine, tenemos preferencia por el software libre, y nos gusta compartir el conocimiento y las experiencias adquiridas durante la creación de nuestros proyectos.

Las actividades se irán adaptando según los intereses de los participantes. Actualmente tenemos abiertas las siguientes áreas de interés:

- Desarrollo con Godot

Un motor de creación de videojuegos abierto, multiplataforma y fácil de utilizar. Lo utilizaremos en la mayoría de los