Visualizar18: Personal Data

Visualizar18: Personal Data

The forthcoming edition of Visualizar'18 (21 September-5 October) has chosen Personal Data as its theme. This theme is by no means unrelated to previous editions of Visualizar, as back in 2015 we dealt with data commons and in 2017, because of the migration - of data -, the result of the Tráckula project was an addon for Firefox that displays the entities that track our activity on the web when we visit almost every page - including this one.

VR presence

Medialab-Prado quiere abrir las puertas a la presencia virtual en su centro. Para ello quiere aprovechar la presencia de Audrey Tang, una de las mentoras del taller de Inteligencia Colectiva para la Democracia que ocurrirá en Medialab-Prado en noviembre. La célebre hacker, recién nombrada ministra...

Water trips

Based on a cartographic analysis of the groundwater of Madrid, a geolocation device will be created to make derives through the city. This project consists in an urban derive by analyzing the hydrogeological map of Madrid. The proposal will be formalized by creating a tool of geolocation that allows...

Ways of InteXRaction - Open Studios

Infinite worlds are displayed in front of our senses when we put on some virtual reality glasses. At that very moment, the concepts of time and space take on a new dimension, altering our perception of reality and our own corporeality to embrace digitality. In this new state, we will learn many ways of interacting with the environment, turning us into active players in a creative process of constant experimentation.

At this new LEV Matadero we ask ourselves these questions. How we interact in and with virtual environments? Which strategies allow us to inhabit digital worlds? Which creative

WeCount: 300 strawberry plants to measure pollution

WeCount es un proyecto europeo de ciencia ciudadana para contabilizar y medir la movilidad en las ciudades impulsado por Ideas for Change. Desde el mes de junio, la iniciativa distribuye unos sensores llamados Telraam que vecinos y comunidades ciudadanas de Madrid y Barcelona están instalando en sus ventanas para recolectar datos sobre cuántos coches, vehículos pesados, bicicletas y peatones pasan por sus calles. La información recopilada puede consultarse a tiempo real a través de esta plataforma y, con los resultados obtenidos, se determinará de manera conjunta que acción de alto impacto

What can do (and does do) computational linguistics in our day-to-day life?

Learn what computational linguistics can do (and does do) por you. (---- To be translated ----) Posibilidades de discusión e implementación: Tecnologías IA Google: Dialogflow Google Natural Language Cloud Robots conversacionales (audio) Comerciales ([API] Tecnología > Producto(s)) Google Assistant >...

What's happening on the facade. January- febrary 2020

#ProgramaLaPlaza is a tool to create creative code projects and periodically display them on the giant LED facade of Medialab-Prado.

In this latest edition, we invite schools to participate to motivate the learning of programming and code by students. Through a software hosted on a website, they created the games and pieces of digital art that you can see in this video.

Why Citizen Laboratories now?

Debate session within the course How to set up a citizen laboratory and build collaboration networks in which we will talk with Cinthia Mendonça and Benito Burgos about the opportunity of citizen laboratories at the present time.

Live streaming


Large-scale discussions between many participants abound on the internet today, on topics ranging from political arguments to group coordination. But as these discussions grow to tens of thousands of posts, they become ever more difficult for a reader to digest. In this repository, we document the...