Metabody Madrid 2019: BI r/evolutions (Body Intelligence)

BI r/evolutions - Body Intelligence
and Proprioception technologies in the age of autonomous algorithms.

There is a sense that few people know and yet it is perhaps the most important of all: proprioception, which is the sense of internal movement of the body, grounded on the multitude of sensors of muscular elongation of the body and giving us continuous feedback , conscious and unconscious, of relative position and speed or effort. It is the sense that integrates all external sensations (and of the internal organs) in our movement, directly connecting action and perception. It is the

Minga Lab: communitary democracy for common futures

The minga is an Andean community practice of action for the common good, similar to the tekio in Mexico or the mutirão in Brazil, which involves the solidarity and commitment of everyone. With a minga, it is possible to solve what is needed among all. That is why we propose Minga_Lab, as a meta...


MULTIMODAL. Application for the management of urban trips through information available on tablet or smartphone with the aim of sharing daily or unusual trips in a multimodal way. Brief synopsis The multitude of trips that we make in the city require minimal planning. Daily journeys (routines), as...

On Sonic Agency: A Workshop with Brandon LaBelle

The 3-day workshop aims to reflect upon acoustics as a framework that, by lending to the shaping of social and spatial environments, greatly impacts onto experiences of belonging and unbelonging. Extending from Jacques Rancière’s notion of “the distribution of the sensible,” we’ll consider how communities rework “the distribution of the heard” by intervening onto a dominant acoustic. This includes reflecting upon different forms of acoustic practices, from self-organized dance clubs to silent protests conducted against economic injustices to fostering affective economies of domestic life.


Opening melons of the ESS

En vuestra empresa: ¿Sientes una distancia entre lo que dices que es la ESS y tu práctica cotidiana? ¿Has tirado la toalla y piensas que no hay nada que hacer? ¿Quieres inspirarte con acciones que hacen otras organizaciones? ¿Te gusta seguir encontrándote con otras entidades para seguir tejiendo ESS?

Este foro será un espacio de encuentro dirigido especialmente a entidades y profesionales de la ESS, así como al resto de organismos y entidades con quienes nos vinculamos para poder dialogar sobre los algunos temas claves en la ESS que en el día a día vemos que no acabamos de tener resultados


Es una estación de carga y seguridad para patinetes, tiene concepto modular, así se puede adaptar a los diferentes espacios de la ciudad. Acorde con recientes noticias hasta ahora el ministerio de trasporte esta buscando soluciones al problema de los patinetes y su desorden.