Laboratories Librarians Workshop

Laboratories Librarians is an initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and Medialab Prado that consists of a workshop for collaborative prototyping of projects that explore ways in which public libraries function as citizen laboratories.

Latent Intimacies

Latent Intimacies propone exploraciones experimentales y abiertas de posibles formas de intimidad entre humanos y máquinas, a través de modelos lingüísticos de código abierto. Se trata de una conversación performativa entre un humano y un objeto agente de voz, en la que ambas entidades se exponen...

Learning from GIS

Learning from GIS aimed to develop a prototype for a map-based carbon accounting system, working with A Coruña in northern Spain as a case study. The region was analyzed based on publicly available data on land ownership, types of trees, and land use policy. An interactive map was developed...

Legal advances in Spain to frame and improve participation

The main aim of the project is to make an analysis of the present limits in the Spanish legal system looking for implementing new ways for citizen participation, framing the role of ITCs. This analysis will result in a propositive document to be a base for updating the legal frame of citizen...


MADATAC X, under the motto "Post Digital Star" brings to Medialab Prado artists Albert Merino and "Saint Machine", who will show their latest works and discuss their creative processes, common problems and current developments.


Para este primer Encuentro AVLab de 2020 el grupo de trabajo de Agencia_RV de Medialab Prado, nos proponen dar a conocer las creaciones narrativas en VR de varios de los artistas más reconocidos en este campo este último año, acercando su obra al público de Madrid.

Con una presencia creciente en los Festivales de Cine más importantes del Mundo (Venecia, Sundance, Tribeca, Raindance), la Realidad Virtual Narrativa es considerada un desarrollo y una oportunidad para el cine actual, un medio propio en el que confluye con los videojuegos, el teatro y la narración oral.

Para entender como se


“Matters-ton” from Hyper Serial Music for Sound/Visual Performance Sound Visual performance Matters-ton is a 2nd chapter of his Hyper Serial Music peroject/series aiming to expand, in new contemporary sense, classical means related to the history of Serial Music. In this work, Tatsuru developed and...