Global Game Jam 2021

A Game Jam is an intense and exciting encounter between video game creators. The participants of a Game Jam get together in small teams and work to develop a complete video game in a very short period of time. The objectives of this meeting are to have fun and create experimental games that are original and innovative. The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is a one-of-a-kind event - no less than a Game Jam held simultaneously across the world for the same 48 hours!

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Knowledge in the Internet age

David Weinberger (New York, 1950), technologist, speaker, researcher and American professor, is one of the greatest references of thought linked to the Internet. In 1999, his life changed after the publication of the Cluetrain Manifesto, an explosive text that anticipated some of the radical ruptures that the network era would bring to the planet. Almost two decades after that manifesto, David Weinberger works at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

In his conference Knowledge in the Internet age, which will take place in the Medialab Prado Auditorium on

TERRITORIO ECTOPLASMA SESSION #4: Collective visualization laboratory

A fundamental aspect of research on digital infrastructures is to visualize their effects on communities and ecosystems. This lab aims to provide strategies to visualize and communicate these processes through models encompassing information from diverse sources: field visits, interviews, municipal archives, aerial images, reports, youtube videos, and commercial brochures.

12.45 - 2.30 PM
& 4.30 - 7.30 PM

Departing from their research project “Exhausted Soils,” Bartlebooth leads a workshop on visualization models of extractive dynamics of mining and energy

TERRITORIO ECTOPLASMA: On the impact of Digital infrastructures on the Environmental, Social and Mental Ecologies

Check the programme here

Convened by  architect Marina Otero Verzier, Territorio Ectoplasma is a week-long critical studies programme that looks at the territorial dynamics and often overlooked spaces and bodies that sustain the activity of metropolitan centers. In particular, it focuses on the digital infrastructure making possible our datafied, urban life. 

In the last decade, the world has experienced unprecedented production and consumption of data. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), global data will grow by 23 percent annually from 2020 to 2025. The data-driven



Many of us use phones, computers, streaming platforms, video games, and other services that increase data production and consumption. Many celebrate advances in climate science, healthcare and electromobility, or are excited about developments in AI, the Internet of Things, and the Metaverse. Consequently, we support the opening of new mines, extraction of more resources, constructing more data centers, the production of more batteries and development of more power plants that keep the promises of infinite growth



Data centers are a fundamental component of today’s digital infrastructure. This session focuses on their socio-political implications and environmental impacts, and their relevance for the future of data sovereignty.

MÉL HOGAN (online)
5-6 PM

Since 2012, Mél Hogan has advanced research on data storage. Her work explores alternatives to data centers and their excessive water and energy consumption. She also critically analyzes technological solutions that allegedly could solve the data deluge, such as DNA-based storage. Currently, Hogan is curious about


Digital infrastructures are entangled with the landscapes of resource extraction. Accelerated extraction and consumption of minerals used for construction of batteries and devices, and the subsequent development of digital subjectivities has led to an unprecedented destruction of ecosystems. Speakers will move between land and sea, macro and micro scales, and time frames, lawmaking and activism to unveil emerging forms of resistance to resource extraction.

1 - 2 PM

Artist Lara Almarcegui looks into the essential, yet scarcely asked, questions about ownership of


“Progress” comes too often at the expense of those communities portrayed as backward, uneducated, animalized, or non-existent. Some of them turn this violence and discrimination into a force for their survival by means of embodied practices and more-than-human solidarity. Mobilizing design, fiction and performance, transfigurations, incantations and rituals, the session seeks to invoke and embody the “ectoplasm territories” we addressed during the week and engage them in the creation of “counterworlds.”

11 - 12 PM

In this performance lecture, Thandi Loewenson

The Things Network Madrid

Hay que destacar que Wireless logic es uno de los mayores operadores IOT alternativos de Europa con 5 millones de SIMs desplegadas y que viene a proponernos posibles colaboraciones con la comunidad.

También aprovecharemos para:

  • Repasar las últimas actividades en las que hemos participado, especialmente la OSHWDem19 de A Coruña.
  • Organizar el próximo taller en colaboración con HackMadrid %27 ( para montar más nodo V2 y ampliar los que ya tenemos con la extensión de puerta abierta.
  • Coordinar el taller que realizaremos en