Citoyen 2.0

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Citoyen 2.0 is a web platform for citizen participation. Citoyen2.0 is powered by CONSUL APP, the app behind  DECIDE Madrid. The context of Burkina Faso in West Africa is unique.

In fact, Burkina Faso as gone through an insurection in 2014, followed by a Coup in 2015 all these preceded by 27 years of an autoritarian  regime. All these changes toward a new-born democracy were made possible  active youth both off-line and on-line, specially on social media. We aim to canalize their energy so they move from only protestation to concrete proposals for the better. A version always on maturation stage is available on

Hence, this present proposal aims to provide support to:

  1. Customize, adapt, refine and launch a fully working version of the platform;
  2. Build a successful implementation plan with government by tapping on the experience of Decide Madrid;
  3. Learning on Madrid Experience and sharing Burkina Faso's context;

This project will be starting point of successful application of civitech to advance democracy in Burkina Faso that we will be proud to share across West-African region.

7 colaborators







Project status
Joint valuation


work in action! preparing the platform and the concept


Starting a process!