In collaboration with Cineteca Madrid, "Cosmic Brains" brings a film cycle that explores the very ontology of the concept of intelligence through two cinematic works of Sci-fi. The two sessions of the series will be accompanied by conversations with artists, critical thinkers, and experts from various fields to explore the role that the deliberate composition of intelligent systems will play in shaping our collective future.
In the first session, we will present "Ex Machina", followed by an enriching dialogue between science fiction writer Peter Watts and conceptual artist Julieta Aranda. Together, they will address the challenges we face when designing and creating Synthetic Minds.
For the second session, we bring to the screen "Arrival", where we explore the potential ecological gesture between human and non-human minds and systems. This screening will be accompanied by a conversation between speculative political theorist Nandita Biswas Mellamphy and musician and technologist Ed Keller.