ESNOG Meetings (Spanish Network Operator Group)

The purposes of ESNOG meetings include:

  • Provide the means of communication within the Spanish state to promote education and the exchange of knowledge within the technical community and Internet operations.
  • Provide channels for group members to ask questions and discuss issues related to the Internet and public data networks.
  • Promote good Internet practices among the members of the group and also before other public or private entities, both national and international.

ESNOG carries out activities through an email list (gore [at] and regular meetings (bi-annual). Both are

Final presentation of the artists Bram Dewolfs' results of his residency

During my residency here at Medialab Prado, I had the great opportunity to meet a range of inspiring cultural mediators and collaborators. It was thanks to their input and feedback that my project evolved in the way it did. I started out not 100% knowing what I wanted to develop as for me projects are always a dialogue between different people and organizations. I had a few options that I wanted to develop one way or another. After talking to Silvia Teixeira López about her project Satélites DIY: Estudiemos la Atmósfera de Madrid, an idea started to form. As I liked the way Silvia approached

Global Game Jam 2021

A Game Jam is an intense and exciting encounter between video game creators. The participants of a Game Jam get together in small teams and work to develop a complete video game in a very short period of time. The objectives of this meeting are to have fun and create experimental games that are original and innovative. The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is a one-of-a-kind event - no less than a Game Jam held simultaneously across the world for the same 48 hours!

[+ info]

Interactive Workshop 'El Paraíso de la Deuda' (Debt Paradise)

El Paraíso de la Deuda (Debt Paradise) is both a workshop and a videogame, which we will play collectively and interactively so that anyone, from children to the "big ones", can understand the complex terms used in economic jargon, such as 'sovereign debt', 'bank loan' and 'labor reform', among many others.

To do this, we will put ourselves in the shoes of a cat king who will have to watch over the happiness of his people, having to face the expenses that this entails, while trying to control the debt. If we do things right our dear citizens will be happy, but as we screw up the coffers of