Patricia Domínguez Larrondo

Head of the AVLab Laboratory, which includes activities related to music, performances, audiovisual projects and initiatives for the Digital Façade and La Cosa de Medialab Prado. Coordinates and manages activities within the Laboratorio del Procomún, in addition to activities under the theme of Gender (LGTBIQ). In addition, it carries out the production and administration of the activities linked to the FabLab and the working line of Funcionamientos (on issues of accessibility and functional diversity).

I started as a mediator in 2005 within the exhibition Postmedia Condition (MediaLabMadrid) until April 2006. In 2007 I returned as a mediator during Interactivos? 07: Magic and technology to the present.

Degree in Art History from the UCM, Expert Degree in Communication and Art from the UCM and two years of the Doctoral Degree in Humanities from the UC3M.

Meet patricia_larrondo in the COMMUNITY.