Open call for Interactivos?’16: Possible Worlds. Creative and Collaborative Uses of Digital Technologies Workshop

Imagen convocatoria interactivos 16. 2

>Introduction to the Workshop
>Leading Tutors
>Rules and Regulations for Proposals


Introduction to the Workshop

Interactivos?’s aim is to foster the dissemination and development of open-source programming and physical computing tools for creative uses. If you have a proposal for a project you would like to develop in the workshop, send it before April 17th. Once the proposals have been selected there will be a new open call for collaborators who wish to participate in the work groups. During the twelve days that comprise the workshop, all the participants will work arm in arm with the help of the invited tutors: Marc Dusseiller (Hackteria) and Chris Sugrue. Once the workshop is over, the resulting prototypes will be presented and showcased.

Medialab-Prado will cover the traveling costs of one person per project and their accommodation in a youth hostel during the celebration of the workshop, as well as certain materials and/or equipment.

As for the collaborators that do not reside in Madrid, Medialab-Prado will cover the accommodation of up to 25 people in a youth hostel. These will be granted by chronological order of inscription.

Orientation for projects

We are looking for proposals that experiment from an artistic, critical design or citizen science perspective with some of the following technologies:

  • Hardware and creative electronics. Clothing as an interface. Application of programmable and non-programmable electronic devices.
  • Creative biological experimentation. Creation of electronic interfaces based on the biological processes of microorganisms. Biosensors.
  • Development of open-source systems and networks of sensors to monitor weather, air, land, plants, waste, etc.
  • Creative use of codes: computer vision, augmented reality, sound experimentation, graphic experimentation, critical uses of social interaction tools, etc.


Leading Tutors

Marc Dusseiller - "Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art"

Marc Dusseiller

Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist. He performs DIY (do-it-yourself) workshops in lo-fi electronics and synths, hardware hacking for citizen science and DIY microscopy. He was co-organizing Dock18, Room for Mediacultures, diy* festival (Zürich, Switzerland), KIBLIX 2011 (Maribor, Slovenia), workshops for artists, schools and children as the former president (2008-12) of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, SGMK. In collaboration with Kapelica Gallery, he has started the BioTehna Lab in Ljubljana (2012 - 2013), an open platform for interdisciplinary and artistic research on life sciences. Currently, he is developing means to perform bio- and nanotechnology research and dissemination, Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, in a DIY / DIWO fashion in kitchens, ateliers and in developing countries. He was the co-organizer of the different editions of HackteriaLab 2010 - 2014 Zürich, Romainmotier, Bangalore and Yogyakarta.


Chris Sugrue

 Chris Sugrue

Chris Sugrue is an artist and programmer developing interactive installations, audio-visual performances and experimental interfaces. Her works experiment with technology in playful and curious ways and investigate topics such as artificial life, eye-tracking and optical illusions. She has exhibited internationally in such festivals and galleries as Ars Electronica, Sónar Festival, Pixel Gallery, Medialab-Prado, Matadero Madrid, and La Noche En Blanco Madrid.

Sugrue’s interactive installation, Delicate Boundaries received an honorary mention from Vida Art and Artificial Life Awards and first prize from Share Festival. In 2009, she collaborated to help develop the EyeWriter, a low-cost eye controlled drawing tool for ALS patients. The EyeWriter was honored with Design of the Year award for interactive category, the Future Everything Award, and a Golden Nica from Ars Electronica.
Sugrue holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design. She has worked as a creative engineer at the Ars Electronica Futurelab where she was the lead developer for a stereoscopic interactive dance performance with artist and choreographer Klaus Obermaier. Sugrue was the recipient of a year-long fellowship at the Eyebeam Art and Technology Center in New York, and has held artist residencies with Hangar in Barcelona, La Casa De Velázquez in Madrid and Harvestworks in New York. She currently teaches in the Art Media and Technology department at Parson School of Design in Paris, France.


Over the past 10 years, the Interactivos? workshops at Medialab-Prado have offered a unique format for collaborative learning. I have has the opportunity to participate in past Interactivos? as a participant, collaborator and mentor and found the experiences to be intense but productive periods of learning while creating new connections that span the globe. A project production workshop offers the opportunity to bring many backgrounds and experience together, offer unexpected ideas or alternatives and help us collectively create and, potentially,  invent possible futures.

Through hacking, experimenting with, and creating new uses of  technology we create the opportunity to live in the future we want rather than that which is constructed for us. Possible futures is not only a call to invent new technologies or applications of digital technology, but a dialog about how we think critically about future technologies and their role in society and culture.  Technology has always been deeply connected to culture and our creative expression through technology reflects contemporary society from everyday experience to global concerns. The impact of technology is profound as it may be empowering and illuminating or devastatingly destructive, but ultimately, technology is an extension of the human experience and part of the human condition. Our creative engagement with the digital, the electronic, with code can bring about new forms of expression, new engagements of the senses, new augmentations of the human body, new critiques of society and politics, new open movements, open platforms and new ways of thinking. What are our possible futures and how can we be a part of forging their paths?


Open Call Rules and Regulations for Proposals

A maximum of 8 proposals shall be developed during the workshop (May 31-June 12). These shall be selected from among the applications to this open call.
All proposals submitted must be open to the participation of interested parties (collaborators) who can contribute towards their development during the workshop.
Proposals may be submitted individually or collectively, with no limitation on the number of proposals that each participant or team may submit.
Once the selection process is complete, registration shall be opened to any persons wishing to participate as collaborators for each individual proposal. Collaborator registration shall begin on April 25th, on the Medialab-Prado website.


Workshop Schedule 

  • On April 25th the selected projects shall be published and registration will be opened to all those wishing to participate as collaborators.
  • On May 31st and June 1st the theoretical discussion seminar will be held.
  • From June 1st to June 12th the projects will be developed in groups with the support of the collaborators; the resulting prototypes will be presented on the final day.

During the workshop, ideas will be tested out and prototypes will be developed in interdisciplinary groups composed of all interested participants, coordinated by the project developer. The groups will be supported and evaluated by Marc Dusseiller and Chris Sugrue, as guest tutors, and will have the space, equipment and materials necessary to develop each project. These must be requested in the initial proposal.
In the workshop, we assume that free and open-source software will be used, that projects will be based on open standards and that the results will be available under licenses conducive to re-appropriation, reuse and distribution.

The workshop will be held in English and in Spanish, with no formal translation services offered.


Obligations of Selected Parties 

  • Selected individuals or groups undertake to attend all days of the workshop.
  • Furthermore, selected parties undertake to finish and appropriately document the proposed projects.
  • The projects submitted must be open to and promote the participation of interested persons.
  • Basic information on the projects, in regard to the process as well as the outcome, shall be recorded in the Medialab-Prado collaborative work platform at
  • Similarly, participants shall include their code in a repository accessible to the public and publish it under an open-source license enabling reuse thereof. During the workshop, support with documentation shall be provided.
  • Project credits shall list the participation of each member of the team and their role within the workshop.
  • The organisation encourages and supports the use of open-source programs for the purpose of developing the projects.
  • Once the exhibition has ended, participants undertake to remove their material within a maximum period of 15 days. After said period has lapsed, Medialab-Prado reserves the right to take any actions in regard thereto that it deems appropriate.  


Project Evaluation Criteria

  • Relevance to the general aims and themes of the call.
  • Innovative and experimental in nature.
  • Clarity of the proposal and suitability of the methodology and workshop development time (the aim is to produce a prototype by the end of the workshop. The proposal must therefore detail all parts of the project for which a prototype could be produced within the allotted period, and the parts for which this would be impossible.)
  • Diversity in terms of approach and origin will be viewed positively, with consideration given to how the project fits in with the proposals to be selected as a whole.    


Accommodation and Travel Expenses

Upon request by participants who reside outside of Madrid, Medialab-Prado will provide accommodation in a youth hostel for the duration of the workshop. Medialab-Prado will also cover travel expenses for one person per selected proposal. 



Anyone interested in participating in the workshop must complete and send the form provided below before April 17th at 11:59pm GMT+1.      


Selection Committee

The leading tutors, Marc Dusseiller and Chris Sugrue, and Medialab-Prado will be responsible for the evaluation and selection of the projects.


Authorship and Intellectual Property

Participants in the open call whose projects (texts, photographs and videos) are selected shall license their work in a manner permitting Medialab-Prado to publish it in any physical or digital format for the maximum time period and territorial scope provided for by law, allowing said work to be transformed in order to improve its dissemination and distribution. After projects have been selected, while the activity is underway the author shall be obligated to permit any other participant(s) in the activity that has been convened to use their work as the basis for other derivative work.   


Further Instructions for the Proposals

The summary of the proposal must be presented in Spanish and English if the applicant is from a Spanish-speaking country, all other applicants must present their proposal in English. If the field destined to the “Summary of the Proposal” does not offer enough space, we kindly ask you to use the “Description” field.
In order to make it easier for prospective collaborators for your project, we encourage you to make a simple and brief (2-3 minutes) video regarding your proposal.


Participation in this open call constitutes acceptance of all of its terms and conditions.




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