Interactivos?'17 - Call for papers: guidelines and submission Form
- Purpose of the call
- Rules for participants
- Application deadline
- Selection criteria
- Public presentation
- Collaboration in the production workshop
- Copyright and intellectual Property
- Contact
- Submission form
Purpose of the call
The purpose of this call is the selection of 6 research articles or theoretical works about the movement and the mobility in the city for their public presentation during the Interactivos?'17 seminar. Themes and areas of interest are defined in main article of Interactivos?'17.
Medialab-Prado will upload to its webpage the selected works, so they will be freely available, but they will not be published formally (ISBN). Therefore it is not necessary to present original works (they could have been shown or presented in other calls, journals, etc). Our goal is to promote these works through public dissemination and to favour the exchange of knowldege and ideas with the rest of the participants during the seminar.
The open call is aimed at researchers, curators, artists, educators in the fields of sustainable development, ecology, biology, graphic design, art, sociology, architecture, urbanism, education, psychology, information science, environmental studies, mathematics, statistics, scientific visualization, computer analysis, computer science, physics or any other field where the idea of movement and mobility in the city may be applied or may contribute valuable innovations.
Food will be served for the authors of the selected papers during the seminar days.
Rules for participants
Everyone interested in participating in this seminar must send a summary of their research and a brief curriculum vitae via the application form that you will find below. For a better evaluation of the applications, we recommend to send the complete text as an attached file, in addition to the summary.
Proposals may be presented as an individual or as a group. Each participant or team may present as many projects as they wish.
Application deadline
Deadlines are stated here.
Selection criteria
- Originality and interest of the proposal.
- Relevance to the general aims and themes of the call Interactivos?'17
- Innovative and experimental in nature.
- Level of development of the research.
- Educational interest.
- Potential to connect with ecological and scientific associations and local institutions.
- Possibility to participate in the later production workshop.
Public presentation
Selected works will be presented publicly by their authors throughout the seminar, in 12 minute sessions followed by a 7 minute debate. Selected works will also be published on the Medialab-Prado website.
Collaboration in the later production workshop
An advanced project production workshop will be held after the Seminar. Multidisciplinary task groups composed of the promoter/s and interested collaborators will develop eight selected projects through an international open call.
Medialab-Prado encourages paper applicants to take part as collaborators in the workshop after the Seminar. In order to do this, applicants can register in the call for collaborators through the Interactivos?'17 main article.
Copyright and intellectual Property
Participants in the open call whose projects and/or papers (texts, photographs and videos) are selected shall license their work in a manner permitting Medialab-Prado to publish it in any physical or digital format for the maximum time period and territorial scope provided for by law, allowing said work to be transformed in order to improve its dissemination and distribution.
After projects and/or papers have been selected, while the activity is underway the author shall be obligated to permit any other participant(s) in the activity that has been convened to use their work as the basis for other derivative work.
It is advisable for participants to become familiar with free content.
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Participation in this open call constitutes acceptance of all of its terms and conditions.