English translation

This is a project that seeks to raise awareness among the general population about the amount of information that each one of us is innocently handing over to tech companies on a daily basis.

It is known among the tech savvy crowd that companies make use of analytics and psychological triggers to get us all hooked on their products and services. Average people don't seem to have the time or interest to concern themselves with what happens with their personal data once it reaches a private cloud. Most people are perfectly fine with letting companies profit from what they consider to be banal facts just as long as they continue supplying their apps free of charge.

Through NaN I want to make individuals aware how each one of their app or game notifications is triggering internal behaviors without them even knowing. I envision NaN as a small tally counter type of device that is wirelessly connected to your mobile device through either wifi of bluetooth. The idea is that every time you respond to a message or check your notifications you click on your NaN. NaN will send a signal to your phone which could then trigger an IFTTT recipe of our own creation. These recipes could for instance populate a public online smorgasbord with randomized facts about the folks who visit the Visualizar exhibition on Calle Alameda. It is my belief that once people start seeing their personal data visually represented in a public setting that they will think twice about just how much they want to share about themselves in the future. 

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