Documentation of the seminar Interactivos?'16

The Interactivos?’16: Possible Worlds. Creative and Collaborative Uses of Digital Technologies Seminar, comined talks of invited speakers with the presentations of the 8 proyects developed in the workshop


Tuesday May 31st

10:00 Presentation of Interactivos?´16 workshop, by the team of Medialab-Prado,, Laura Fernández and introduction to the seminar by Marc Dusseiller y Chris Sugrue.

10:30 Oscar Ardaiz: proyect's presentation Balloonizer [presentación's video]

11:00 Mary Tsang y Byron Rich proyect's presentationEstrógenos de Código Abierto - SÍ FEMENINO [presentations's video]

11:30 Olivia Jack: proyect's presentation LiveLab [presentation's video]

12:00 Ana Laura Cantera: proyect's presentation Evolución de una partida [presentation's video]

12:30 Coffee

13:00 Rafael Fernandes de Carvalho: proyect's presentation Reducir imágenes a la libertad del polvo [presentation's video]

13:30 Andreas Siagian: proyect's presentation Conveniencely Yours [presentation's video]

14:00 Rosi Grillmair, Or Wolff e Ina Kharadze: proyect's presentation Digital Stretch Instruments [presentation's video]

14:30 Lunch

16:00 Mariana Carranza y Florian Wolf: proyect's presentation Ephemeral Angels [presentation's video]

16:30 Chris Sugrue (@Chrissugrue): Light, code, and play. [presentation's video]

17:30 Break

17:45 Urs Gaudenz (@GaudiLabs) (Hackteria): Imitation as the sincerest form of flattery. [presentation's video]

18:45 Zachery Denfeld (@centgg) (Center for Genomic Gastronomy):We have always been biohackers: 6 Years of Genomic Gastronomy (Gastronomía del Genoma) [presentation's video]

19:45 Debate


2º  part of the seminar

Thursday June 9th

19:00 a 20:30 Round-table creative communities hardware and free software: practices and challenges, with Hans C. Steiner, David Cuartielles, Chris Sugrue y  Marc Dusseiller [round tables' video ]

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