Documentation of the projects

Hi everybody!

Here you can find information about how to prepare the poster, the project sheet and the instructions for use of your instalation - exhibition.


Each group should design a poster to accompany their exhibition project. You have to include text and images; do not forget to write the project title and the names of all participants (developers-colaborators).

We should print the posters until Friday morning. Your print will be held at Medialab's plotter so I need to receive the documents between Thursday and Friday morning by usb or wetransfer, dropbox etc (send to:

There are two sizes of poster according to the exhibition stands and have dealt with as follows:

80 x 80 cm:
Riverrun 3
Energías semióticas en el espacio urbano
Puerta d' Mar
Comportamiento y acción colectivas en comunidades de data-activistas
Biofeedback Cinema

90 x 65 cm:
Darwinian Spaces
You Are A Virus!

Formats: TIFF, illustrator, pdf, jpg.; Resolution: 300 dpi.

In the following link ther is two examples of documentation of past exhibitions:

Project Sheet

The layout of the project sheet shall based on information that is in the first part of the community of each project.

Required fields are:

  •     Project Title
  •     Description
  •     Representative image
  •     Tools and materials
  •     Promoter
  •     Colaborators (with role description for each one)
  •     Links

The language required for the project sheet is the Spanish and optionally (as second) English. So the projects they have worked and developed in Spanish should do the translation with the help of the collaborators or, if this is not possible, they should ask for help at the Medialab team.

Instructions for use

It is also very important that you would prepare a document with instructions of how to deal with the installation in case you have one, how to keep it working properly etc. This should be delivered on Saturday night the latest. The aim of this documentation is that the cultural mediators will be able to set it up and turn it on and off without you being here.


We also remaind you that the final presentation of projects will be on Sunday at 12.30 pm and that the exhibition will have to be ready by then!

Tipo de post
Haris Hlorou