
Related to Data

Conchita, one of the owners of this project, presented what are the main resources inside the Seismometer database. There are XML files capturing daily changes that cover data from Generalitat web pages. The team was divided between those who identify the new entities that the Generalitat have created as part of their structure from April 2013 until now and sort them out by department, and, those who focus on analyzing which mayors keep power on Catalonia towns.



  1. XML files didn't contain data time information.
  2. SQL only contains one change related to which date the entities were captured and when they were no longer captured.
  3. There were some verifications and test with SQL query.
  4. The team had to clean SQL and finally, rebuild the code to identify three changes inside each department: date when entities appear and disappear, entities whose person in charge changed and entities which were moved to another Generalitat department.
  5. After 7 days of work, some problems were identified and they have to be fixed to improve the Seismometer:  The source that feeds the constantly updated website has to be rebuilt. The first visualizations (structure of Departments made of nodes) haven't been fed by the XMLs real time. Data base where. Data base didn't identify all entities changes.
  Related to Visualization


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