CoLab (ICLP) Khartoum. Call for Collaborators

> Relevant information
> Selected projects
> Guidelines
> Workshop program
> Forum
> Appointment of participants and registration form


Relevant information

Tutors of the workshop: Juan Freire, Karla Schuch Brunet, Áurea Martínez. Assistant: Gabriel Perezzan (Director of CoLab)

Dates and schedule of the workshop: November 28 - December 1, 2011 from 9 am to 3 pm

Venue: Insitut Français. Sharia Ali Dinar 1586 Khartoum (Sudan)



Medialab-Prado publishes a call for all those interested in participating in CoLab (ICPL) workshop as a collaborator in one of the workgroups that will develop the selected projects.

The collaborator is basic in the planning and development of the workshops at Medialab-Prado/CoLab (ICPL), thus these are conceived as spaces for collaborative work, knowledge exchange and theoretical and practical training. It is an environment in which there is a horizontal relationship among professors, developers and the collaborators.

According to its field of interest, each collaborator can be part of the development team in more than one of the selected proposals bringing his/her knowledge and ideas to the workgroup and, at the same time, learning from the group and the teachers.

As it is specified in the rules, the names of the collaborators will appear in the project’s credits. Also, Medialab-Prado/CoLab (ICPL) will give a document certifying the participation in the workshop to all the participants that request it.

Medialab-Prado/CoLab (ICPL) does not cover traveling, lodging nor daily expenses. 

Questions to juan.freire(arroba)


Workshop program

1. Presentation of selected proposals.
2. Quick presentation of collaborators (profiles, interests and projects they are interested in).
3. General discussion about the projects and team building.
4. Each groups defines a work plan. Meetings with each group and discussion of the plan: specific questions, documenting the process, licensing and intellectual property.
5. Periodical meetings with the teams to do a follow-up of the development. Presentations pecha-kucha style.



Each working team will start its training through CoLab (ICPL) Forum where the interested participants will be able to contact the project’s authors and all the collaborators and raise a questions, make comments and discuss about other forms of collaborations. Groups will be completed during the Project’s initial presentation on the workshop’s first day. 


Appointment of participants and registration form

Since there is no selection process for collaborators, all received inscriptions will be accepted until capacity is filled. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an automatic mail confirmation informing that your data has been successfully received, which means that you have already earned participation in the workshop. Having a place as a collaborators doesn't involve any travel, expenses or lodging provided by the organization.

Fill in and submit the form below before November 28, 2011. In the "Comments" field please specify your availability to participate in the workshop (a strong commitment is recommended since it is an intensive workshop) and the title of the project in which you would like to participate.

We recommend you to participate in the CoLab (ICPL) Forum in order to contact the author and the other collaborators before the workshop.

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