Desde 03/11/2008 12:11 hasta 06/11/2008 12:11


With simultaneous translation English / Spanish*

[Download full VISUALIZAR'08  in pdf - Spanish-*]

 > Go to Seminar documentation (download papers)


November 3

10:30am - 2:00pm: Introduction to the VISUALIZAR'08: DATABASE CITY workshop by  José Luis de Vicente -director-, and presentation of the selected projects. Work groups setting up.

5:30pm: Lecture by José Luis de Vicente: Database City: Exploring an Information Flow City Planning (Database City: Explorando un urbanismo de los flujos de información) [+info]

6:30pm: Lecture by Fabien Girardin: From Sentient to Responsive Cities [+info]

November 4

Morning program: Papers presentations [download documentation]

10:30am: Bluetooth Scanning Sensor: New Tools for Traffic / Environmental Management, by Martín Méndez Falcato and Yuji Yoshimura.

11:15am: Beyond the Edifice: Architectural Visualization Reconsidered, by Greg J. Smith

12:00am: A Visual Analytics Approach for the Understanding of Urban Datasets, by Roberto Therón y Roberto Ranon

12:45pm: The Invisible Display – Design Strategies for Ambient Media in the Urban Context, by Dietmar Offenhuber

1:30pm: Madrid Zero: Distributed Urban Networks of Political Artefacts, by Víctor Viña

Evening Program: Lectures

5:30pm: Lecture by Andrés Ortiz - Bestiario: And What Is This Good For? (Y esto para qué sirve?) [+info]

6:30pm: Lecture by Juan Freire: Visualizing Urban Spaces' Digital Skin. How? What For? (Visualizando la piel digital de los espacios urbanos. ¿Cómo?, ¿para qué?) [+info]


November 6

7:00pm: Lecture by Adam Greenfield: The Long Here, the Big Now, and Other Tales of the Networked City [+info]


November 18

7:00pm: Opening of the exhibition of developed projects, with the presence of the authors.



*Translation by AICE Asociación de Intérpretes de Conferencia España
Medialab-Prado. Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 · Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#debate #visualizacion_de_informacion #visualizacion_de_datos #seminario #visualizar08 #principal