Public Considerations. A Symposium in Three Acts

Desde 17/02/2012 06:02 hasta 17/02/2012 12:02


Consideraciones sobre lo Público. Un Simposio en tres Actos. Imágen de Juan Pablo Gómez

"Through ‘performative-talks’, Public Considerations. A Symposium in Three Acts(CSP) draws on the theatricality of various assembly rooms at institutions including banks, the parliament and universities to circulate afterward virally through videos and publications.

This dramatization of the forum congregates the dispute about the redistribution of economic and symbolic capital under the mimetic form of a Symposium in Three Acts. Musicians, stage managers, Marxist and Keynesian economists, social self-managed organizations with their own economies, philosophers, activists, and artists meet and tense the lively pressures of capital on the prevailing narratives of the history of knowledge and art, of theories and economic practices.

From the Research Laboratory on Contemporary Artistic Practices (CCRR-Universidad de Buenos Aires) CSP proposes an exercise of freedom that explores the limits of genres. ts publication brings together (in a bilingual Spanish-English version) the transcription in three acts of 57 participations, a dossier of the photos and graphics developed, plus a historical investigation of ‘enacting’ and the use of public space". By Alicia Herrero.


Medialab Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#ciudad #procomún #público