Overview of Spanish Companies in the Data World

Desde 07/11/2012 09:11 hasta 07/11/2012 08:11



(All activities take place at Fundación Telefónica -Edificio Telefónica en Gran Vía, 28 entrance through c/ Fuencarral 3- except for the workshop at 17:00h).


9:30h - 9:45h. Presentation. José de la Peña/Soraya Paniagua

9:45h - 11:00h. Round table. Spanish Companies in the Data World. Panelists: Gonzalo Martín (co-founder of Cubenube), Diego García (co-founder of Aisoy Robotics), José María Chía (co-founder of Pirendo) and Gerardo Lafuente (Commercial Director at Libelium).

11:00h - 11:30h. Break – Coffee.

11:30h - 13:30h. Round table. Success Cases Appying Data into Business Processes. Panelists: Teresa de Pedro (CSIC researcher, responsible for the project AUTOPÍA, the car that drives itself), Andrés Seco (Procedures Director at Red Eléctrica Española), Massimiliano Marinucci (Strategy Marketing and Productivity Director at Coca Cola) and Javier Falcón (Customer Service Director at Telefónica).

17:00h - 20:00h. Worskhop Internet of Things and Use of Cosm (in Medialab-Prado). Led by César García and Sara Alvarellos, founders of the group Internet of Things in Medialab-Prado. [+info]

17:00h - 20:00h. Workshop Data Visualization Tools (at Espacio Fundación Telefónica). NOTE: This same workshop takes place on November 6 in Medialab-Prado [+info]

Edificio Telefónica en Gran Vía, 28 entrada entrada c/ Fuencarral 3

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#big data #telefonica