#OPENmadrid. Open Architecture for the City

Desde 24/06/2013 02:00 hasta 26/06/2013 02:00


Madrid is a city in permanent effervescence, where a large amount of people, collectives, groups and professionals work independently to transform the city, even though their work is at times unknown, even to those it is directed to.

#OPENmadrid intends to become a referent for all those who believe in, work for, suffer for, enjoy and dream the city.

During three days we will be able to listen, debate, reflect, practice, learn and - of course – have a great time. Due to the event’s transdisciplinary character, we are open to architects, urban planners, sociologists, programmers, students, artists, teachers… in a word: "citizens".

As its very name, #OPENmadrid, indicates, it is an event open to all those who wish to participate; anybody can attend the talks, panels and streamed sessions. We also offer workshops and academic credit recognition for those who decide to register.

The registered participants will receive an official certificate expended by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and badges in recognition for each workshop from the Observatorio de la Cibersociedad.

There are different rates depending on the amount of workshops you want to attend.

Register here.

Further information is available at:  http://openmadrid.org and following the hashtag #OPENmadrid.

Organized by Medialab-Prado in collaboration with Urbano Humano Agency and the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura). Coordinated by Domenico di Siena (Urbano Humano Agency y Raquel Martínez (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos).


Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#arquitectura #ciudad