Hidden Histories, Archive Architectures

Desde 26/06/2015 12:00 hasta 27/06/2015 01:00

 Hybrid Lecture Player


How Can We Visualize Fragments of a Citizen Collective Archive on a Digital Façade?

This workshop proposes the co-development of software that will enable us to do just that. More than experimenting with creative coding or content creation as an end in itself, the workshop intends to create an inclusive literacy experience that thinks design technology in broader terms as part of a larger intervention in urban space. The local free archive that has been chosen for this purpose is #bookcamping, an archive that is currently related to Medialab Prado.

The workshop will be dedicated to researching and working on archive interfaces, and will be organized in two groups/work areas.

The first group will reflect on what documents from the #bookcamping archive shall be displayed on the digital façade, exploring the situatedness of MLP’s media façade, to co-develop presentation / projection strategies for archive content in the spirit of an interface-as-architecture approach. This group will be coordinated by members of the #bookcamping collective.

The second group will focus on the deployment of an open source media player, The Hybrid Lecture Player, designed to visualize the content of bookcamping’s archive, following the collective selection done by the first group for its display on the digital façade. This group will be co-facilitated by artists, coders and designers from the Hybrid Publishing Consortium and xm:lab – Experimental Medial Lab.

The workshop is aimed at any person interested in the management of digital archives and eager to learn how MLP’s digital façade works. Knowledge of image management and coding would be helpful for the development of the application, but are not required.

Registration forms can be found in the attachment.


Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#ciudad #pantallas #archivo #fachada #Exposición #fachada digital #edición digital