Hackity: Creative Problem Solving and Service Design Methodologies for Urban Innovation Presentation and Workshop

Desde 29/06/2012 12:06 hasta 30/06/2012 12:06




> 29.06.2012 / 16:30 - 20:00: Introduction to the theoretical frame and the presentation to the project

> 30.06.2012 / 10:00h - 20:00h: Urban Experimentation and Service Design Workshop

> Participants

> Registrations


Introduction to the theoretical frame and the presentation to the project

29.06.2012 /16:30h - 20:00h

Hackity is the result of the reflection on the concept of Smart Cities by a multidisciplinary group of researchers, designers and innovation professionals.

One of the insights of the process of understanding the discourse on intelligent cities was the auxiliary role that the citizens play within a model oriented, almost exclusively, to the installation of technological solutions in cities. These installations might have an effect on some urban elements, especially economic and institutional ones, but they do not offer spaces for citizen participation, placing the role of the people in second term, reducing them to mere data producers.

We believe that this vision ignores something that is essential, and the fact is that without the cities’ voices, without the direct opinion and participation of the people who inhabit them, the balance of these increasingly complex systems threatens to become a distant and unattainable horizon.

The success of these cities as living systems capable to offer the essential conditions for a sustainable and decent life depends on that balance.

Hackity is a service prototype that aims to explore the possibilities of collaboration through technology, based on inhabitable space and dedicated to urban action, appropriation and transformation.

Juan Freire will introduce the theoretical framework and the City and Commons workgroup.

The work methods for the workshop will be exposed and the groups for urban experimentation and service design will be teamed up.


Urban Experimentation and Service Design Workshop

30.06.012 / 10:00h - 20:00h (with a break for lunch)

The urban experimentation and service design workshop is a practical exercise that follows the theoretical session.

It is divided in four parts that correspond with the different stages of a process guided by a creative problem solving methodology. The different stages of this methodology are:

Facts > Challenges > Idea > Conceptualization

The first part of the workshop, that will take place in the morning, will be dedicated to urban experimentation centered on the possibilities of mobile services.

The participants, organized in groups and guided by one of the team members, will research different environments within the city, following Hackity’s experience. During this first stage the gathering of facts that can be identified by different research techniques: estrangement of previous experience, observation and shadowing of service use, will take place. The participants will work on these facts in a Service Journey, a tool that is used in service design to map the user’s experience. For each of the stages in the service there will be two challenges that will require the creative solutions during the idea stage. Then, each group shall choose what they consider the most productive ideas and conceptualize them in order to present them to the rest of participants. The session will end with the sharing of these conceptualizations and a debate on the lived experience. The resulting ideas will be used to enrich a citizen empowerment initiative.

Hey ho, let’s Hackity!





Número máximo de plazas: 30. Inscripción gratuita.

Para inscribirte rellena el siguiente formulario. Si lo deseas, en el campo "Comentarios" puedes responder a las siguientes preguntas, para hacer equipos balancados: ¿Con qué grado de frikismo te identificas más: geektotal, apañaete, completodesastre? ¿Utilizas el móvil para conectarte a internet? ¿Con qué frecuencia? ¿Participas en algún tipo de iniciativa ciudadana?


Designit y Medialab-Prado 

Designit Madrid (C/ Mártires de Alcalá 4, 1º Madrid)

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#hacking #ciudad_procomun #hackity