Platforms for citizen collaboration and innovation during the pandemic

In the fourth public debate session of the course How to set up a citizen laboratory and build collaboration networks, we will see three initiatives organized during the months of confinement to encourage the creation of projects that dealt with the problems derived from the pandemic. These are three experiences from which many lessons can be learned since they have tried various collaboration formats: Frena la curva (Rosa Castizo), Hackathon vence al virus (Juan Jiménez Morillas) y Reactiva Madrid (Ángel Niño).

Recreation sessions: Sharing Learning

We have designed a series of video encounters that will help develop more relational aspects: sharing of learning, communication between participants, etc.

Reinvention of the everyday and institutional practices

Third open session of the course How to set up a citizen laboratory and build collaboration networks in which Ana Longoni and Amador Fernandez-Savater will talk about how social practices of invention in everyday life could lead to other forms of institution.


Rise your hand: Participation methodology for children and adolescents

Rise your hand is a methodology for citizen participation for children and adolescents between 10 and 17 years old that promotoes active inclusion through dialogue and cooperation. The main aim of the project is to growth in children and adolescents the positive worth and internalisation of the...

School, childhood and city in uncertain settings

El impacto generado por el coronavirus nos ha situado en un escenario nuevo, lleno de incertidumbres. Los colegios permanecen cerrados, mientras que las desigualdades se ahondan y las colas de la emergencia se alargan. Las preguntas sobre qué nos ha traído hasta aquí y de qué manera saldremos se multiplican. Mientras unos reclaman libertad para retomar la actividad y la vida tal y como la conocíamos, otras señalan la relación de esta pandemia con el cambio climático y la urgencia de revisar los modos en que producimos, consumimos, nos relacionamos y nos cuidamos.

El programa Experimenta

The 2030 Agenda from Human Rights and Gender.

We would like to invite you to this activity that will take place next Thursday, June 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the MediaLab Prado space (Plaza de las Letras - Calle de la Alameda 15, Madrid), where we will present the material (box of tools) that we have recently developed called: "The 2030 Agenda from Human Rights and Gender: Tools for Action from Education for Global Citizenship".

This resource is part of a project that we have carried out with the support of AECID and we want to emphasize that the final result is the result of a collaborative process in which we have been

Why Citizen Laboratories now?

Debate session within the course How to set up a citizen laboratory and build collaboration networks in which we will talk with Cinthia Mendonça and Benito Burgos about the opportunity of citizen laboratories at the present time.

Live streaming

Workshop on Microrocketry

In this workshop open to any person interested, you will learn how to build a rocket with simple materials and launch it safely and succesfully.

Workshop on the relationship of women and society with menstruation.

This workshop seeks to become a meeting place where people meet periodically and an open working group is formed to rethink, from the collective and the collective, the daily practice and the struggles against the heteropatriarchy. All those people willing to share their vulnerability, non-binary identities, women self-identified women and cis men with a desire to listen are invited and welcome.